
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Do this single leg exercise.

In the video below you can see me demonstrating a single leg balance exercise with multi-directional reach. Aka Star Balance aka Y Balance. Or if you really want to impress your friends call it a multiplanar exercise in the sagittal, frontal and transverse plane.

Of course, I didn't invent this exercise. As mentioned above, the Star Balance has been used for a long time in physio circles as an assessment and the FMS guys use the Y balance.

Why do it?

So much of gym work takes place on two feet and is very linear. The rise of S&C, squats and deadlifts are a good thing, but there is another dimension to training that should be addressed. Lateral movement and single leg work should also be part of a well rounded programme.

This exercise is good for

  • anyone who needs balance training, fall prevention
  • running or any sport that requires you to be on one leg
  • post ankle, hip or knee injury to help build up proprioception (being aware of where you joints and body are in space) and strength.
  • as part of a warm up drill
In the video I am reaching as far as I can in each direction, and I am using three directions (Y shape). But if someone has had a recent injury, is starting to work on their balance or is recovering from something such as a stroke then the movement can be small. Some other key points:

  1. You could hold onto a chair to begin with and then try and do it with just finger tips resting on the chair.
  2. Try and maintain spine integrity, it is unloaded so I wouldn't worry about some spine flexion, but try and hinge from the hips.
  3. Keep an eye on that support knee, you don't want it collapsing in excessively.
  4. Also think about neck position, keep the back of your neck smooth.
  5. You can reach with the arms as well.
You can also do a reach forward with the leg (which I don't do in the video). Kind of like a mini pistol or heel dig. For some people this causes more issues with the knee and spine bending, so listen to your body. For others it helps to strengthen the muscles around the knee.

I used this exercise when running, and I think it helped me rehab a niggling knee issue I had. I think it also helped as I increased the miles and do more and more trail running.

You may feel it in the muscles around the hips and pelvis. I can particularly feel a stretch in the outer hip when I reach the leg behind me across the midline of the body.  It is also working the muscles around the knee and ankle.

This exercise is not trying to isolate anything, it is integrating the limbs and torso as happens in real life. You want your hips, knees and ankles to respond reflexively when running, jumping or even stepping down a curb.

Do three or four circuits on each leg as part of your warm up, or do it at any point during the day.
There is no need to 'progress' this exercise, you don't have to add in weight or stand on a bosu.

Keep it simple and effective.


  1. Steve. Thanks for that. super useful and not as easy as you make it look

    1. Thanks for reading and sharing Damian. It takes practice!

  2. Thank you Steve! A very clever, useful exercise. I think I will be using this a lot. I love your articles. Keep them coming ��
